Well, we have a new Pope. The crowd at the Vatican yesterday was very excited about it, as were the priests and nuns interviewed for the local news today. I have to say, I'm rather indifferent about the whole thing. I consider myself Catholic - I was an altar boy - but not a good one, sort of a non-practicing Catholic, especially with the continuing saga of the Priestly Pedophiles. A lot of the older Catholics seem to be able to overlook that, and it's wonderful to be able to forgive, but I have problems with it. God and prayer are still a part of my life, but I hesitate to get involved again in organized religion. Well, maybe this Pope will change my mind about all that. Doubtful, but maybe. All day, I've been thinking of Rodney Dangerfield saying, "Hey, who made you Pope of this dump?"
I finished reading John Grisham's "A Time To Kill". Very good book, one of his best. His early ones are much better than the ones he puts out now. The book finished with too many loose ends, but overall I enjoyed it a lot. I'm reading a Garrison Keillor book right now that isn't so great, and then I think I'll read "The Firm", which is about a renegade Zumba instructor in Kennebunkport, I believe.
Sam's new favorite word is "whatnot". He saw it on tv and thought it was so funny that old people say whatnot. He asked me what it meant and I stuttered and stammered and then said I really don't know, I guess it means something like whatever. I hate when he asks a question and I don't have the answer. It actually happens quite often. But if I want to make Sam laugh, I just say whatnot in a sentence. For instance, when he asks what we are having for supper, I'll say, "Ham and potatoes and carrots and whatnot." Guaranteed laughs. He also sometimes calls me Great Dad, because he saw on tv that great is another name for old. I think he learns more from tv than he does from me.
"Rock Star" is up to 25,000 words. I like what I've written so far, but I'm thinking of changing the title. To what, I have no idea. So for now, we will continue to refer to it as "Rock Star".