- Pizza
- Nachos
- Peppers and onions (which I don't like anyway, unless they are caramelized)
- Anything with cheese (see PIZZA and NACHOS)
- Chinese food
I've come up with a new marketing strategy for my Lettahs From Maine books. Actually, it's the only strategy I've come up with, and it's not much of a strategy. I've made flyers and I'm going to place them on the windows of cars in the beach parking lots. Genius, right?
There it is. A little rough and a little blurry, but you get the idea. I just hope other writers and marketing experts don't go stealing my great strategy.
I've now written 20,000 words of my latest novel. The working title is Lottery Winners. Gives you an idea of what the story's about, at least. It's a rainy day, in the 60's, so I think it's a good day to work on the novel.