Saturday, April 5, 2014, Free Bobby's House Download

Spring is here! Whether or not it will stay, I don't know. But the snow is almost gone and the temperature has been in the 40's all week. It may even get into the 50's tomorrow. It's a heat wave, mistah!

My laptop died a few weeks ago and I had to buy a new one. Aside from the painful cost, the purchase was also unpleasant because I'm expected to learn a new operating system. Every time I buy something new, it's completely different from before. The good news is, I was able to channel my frustration and write about it in my latest Sanford News article.

How is my latest novel going, you ask? Terribly bad, as my son would say. I can't seem to get any flow going. I've been working on it for over three months and I've written 4,000 words. Well, that's  not true. I wrote over 20,000 words but it was honestly so awful that I had to start over. I may just shelf it and start something else, but I hate to do that. I still believe that the story will come around and I'll have it finished by this summer.

I've begun doing freelance editing at I'm not doing much of it, but every little bit counts. It would pay pretty well if I could get more work. I enjoy doing it, too, which helps.

I'm currently reading Skinny Dip, by Carl Hiaasen. It's the third book I've read by him this year, and I'm really enjoying it. I'm also discovering that every book by him has similar characters in very similar situations. It's a very transparent formula (which is why it only took me three books to figure out), but it really works well and Carl Hiaasen's books are probably the funniest I've ever read.

Oh, I almost forgot - my novel Bobby's House is a free Kindle download all weekend at Several people have said that it is my best novel, so be sure to read it and leave a glowing review!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my site today. Another glorious day in Maine! Saw your dad site - love that, too. I'm heading over to Bobby's House tomorrow.
    Donna Smith
    The A-to-Z Challenge
    Mainely Write
