I finished the first draft last month and it will be ready to go by the end of the week. Where is it going? I'm not sure. Send to agents and publishers, or self-publish and try to market it? That's the question. It's really good and I like it a lot, so I'm happy with it.
Another question is the title. Here's a short description of the story:
Jim Zimmerman was once the best high school baseball player the state of Maine had ever seen. Now middle aged and known to everybody as Coach Zim, he’s the winningest high school coach in state history and everybody’s favorite history teacher. When he is unexpectedly fired from his coaching job by the school principal, a former teammate still harboring jealousy from high school, Coach Zim faces a future without baseball for the first time in his life.
long a former player offers Coach Zim a dream job with the Red Sox
organization. While pondering this job he finds himself helping a gay student
who is being bullied and discovers that, inconceivable as it might seem, his
work as a teacher may be more important than his work as a baseball coach.
That is a short and not very well-written description, but it gives an idea, at least. My problem is, do I title it Bring Back Coach Zim! or A Teacher First. It's been Bring Back Coach Zim! for a long time, but I just read a line in the story and thought A Teacher First sounded pretty good. So I'll decide soon. Any comments would be appreciated.
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