Wednesday, September 30, 2015

I may change the title of my blog - any suggestions?

I'm thinking of changing the title of this blog. It has my name, which is nice, but it's Gary Sprague's Books, which I feel can be a bit confusing. My blog began as a way to talk about and market the books I've written, and since I'd never had a blog before that was the title I came up with. I'm bad with titles.

I don't seem to talk about my books a whole lot on here, though. I have pictures and links (which I hope everyone is taking advantage of) but I don't really talk about them that much. In fact, I mention my newspaper articles far more than my books.

The title also may give the idea that this is a book reviewing blog. I do give opinions on books that I've read, but that also isn't the main subject of this blog.

I guess the main subject is me. I could be like Donald Trump and name everything after myself. The title, every post, etc. Sounds funny, but I really may just call it Gary Sprague. I also like Gary Sprague, Writer. Or Gary Sprague's Blog. Those titles are pretty open ended and allow me to talk topics other than books without being confusing. And, again, they have my name.

One last title that I like is Mainely Writing, because I'm in Maine. For some reason, I like anything with Mainely in it. But then, that either sounds like I'm only talking about writing, or I'm only talking about Maine writing.

I don't know. If anyone has ideas, I'd love to hear them.

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