Saturday, August 15, 2015

More (good) reviews would make me happy; Judd Apatow's Sick in the Head

I noticed yesterday that I got a bad review for Bobby's House recently on Because it's only the third review, that's not good. But, the thing is, Bobby's House has been my best selling book this year. Every month, it's outsold my other books. Strange, really, because Lettahs From Maine was always my biggest seller.

Now, this doesn't mean that it's on the bestsellers list, but it is selling a few copies every month. This means that people are buying it, but nobody reviews it. I know that somebody is enjoying it, though. The two books of mine that people say are their favorites are usually Bobby's House and Lettahs From Maine, and they are very different. So if everyone who liked Bobby's House would review it, I'd be happy. I'm sure there are millions (hundreds, dozens?) of you out there! However, it seems that nobody reviews anything unless they are dissatisfied. I'm the same way.

Enough about that. I'm currently reading Sick in the Head, by Judd Apatow. It's a collection of interviews with comedians. It's OK. I like most of the people he interviews in the book, that part is great. But he often talks way too much about himself, which I call the Jon Stewart Syndrome. I like Jon Stewart, but when interviewing someone he has a habit of talking more about himself than about the person being interviewed.

 Plus, I don't care for Judd Apatow's movies. I've never made it through one of them. Since they seem to do very well at the box office, I'm going to admit that I don't speak for the general public when I say this.

Oh, wait. I liked Funny People. So once again, I contradict myself.

Here's a link to my latest Sanford News column. It's about my son Sam and I attending the Sanford Mainers baseball games and his getting an autograph and picture with his favorite player.

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