Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Writing, writing, writing. And cold

So I read The Auctioneer the other night, and you know what? It's pretty damn good. I think I'll keep it just the way it is. I'm going to write a query letter for agents this weekend. That letter will be more difficult to write than the novel. It's difficult to summarize a novel in one or two paragraphs while advertising yourself at the same time. But I will do it, or at least attempt to.

I do need to change one thing about the story, and this is a big one. Not about the story, actually, but how it is written. Ever since I took a typing class during my junior year of high school, I've double spaced after periods. That must be how we were taught. Unfortunately, it doesn't look good at all in a manuscript and if I decide to self-publish the book it will mess up the formatting. So I need to go to the beginning of every sentence in the story and backspace once, so that there is only one space after each period instead of two. Yes, that's correct, every sentence. Do you know how many sentences there are in a 90,000-word novel? I don't, but I can verify that there are a lot. I started this afternoon and I've already corrected up to page 36. Yay.

Cold. Very cold. According to my truck thermometer, it was 2 degrees around noon today. Cold.

After I finish with my little sentence-backspace-period project, I'm going to start on another novel. I began writing one at the same time I started The Auctioneer and I have about 30 pages so far. That was in Febuary of 2012 and I haven't read it over since, but I remember that it was about a former rock star who moves to Maine to escape fame. Nobody knows he was once a rock star, not even his girlfriend, until he's discovered 30 years by a reporter. I'm not sure where the story goes from there. You'd think I would, since I'm the one who has to write it, but nope. No clue. More exciting that way, I think.

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