Saturday, January 31, 2015

What we Mainahs call a dustin'

I'm writing this from beneath four feet of snow. If you don't believe me, take a look at my house:

Right now I'm in my office, located in the basement. So, as you can see, I really am under four feet of snow. We made the national news this week for getting the most snow from the blizzard. And this picture doesn't show the three feet of snow on parts of my roof. At least the driveway is clear.

I have a couple of book updates. First, I'm giving away two signed copies of Rock Star on Goodreads. You can enter to win until February 14. How can you get to the page to enter? I'm not sure. You can go to and look for my book and go from there. I know, I'm not a lot of help.

The other book update is that I've finished writing Love Lettahs From Maine. I'm now working on the book cover. I'd hoped to have it published by Valentine's Day for all you wicked romantic types out theya, but I'm not sure if that will happen. It'll be close. To hold you over until then, here's a sample of what you'll get:

This is owa fihst Valentine’s day in owa new home. I’m wicked glad, too. You know I like carryin you ovah the threshold into the bedroom every Valentine’s day, and that was a wicked pissah when you got wedged hahd in the dowaway last yeeya. Them dowaways was wicked narrow in that appahtment. Theya okay in the summah but not in the wintah when you put on that extra layah owa two of wintah fat. The guys from the fiya depahtment was wicked good about it, said they see it all the time around heeya. I aint suprised, with all the narrow dowaways in these apahtments. Nothin I hate mowa than an incompetent buildah. Probly a Masshole. Any Mainah knows that when you build you gotta plan ahead fowa wintah fat! Lucky that spray can of WD40 was almost full owa they mighta nevah gotten you unstuck.

Yes, there's nothing better than reading about love and romance on a cold winter night. So start saving your pennies now so you can afford the .99 Kindle version.

I'm off to make s'mores in the fireplace and then watch Batman on MeTV. Not a bad way to spend Saturday night when buried in snow.

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