I received a note from an editor last week, telling me that he liked my writing style. I was pleased, until he continued on and said the magazine would not be using my story. He ended by again telling me that he really enjoyed my writing and hoped that I would revise my story or submit something else before the deadline for the coming issue. It's always nice to receive a positive note from an editor, of course, and I guess it does make the rejection easier. But it seems kind of like having a pretty girl say she finds you really nice and funny but would rather be just remain friends. I'm assuming here, of course, because that sort of thing has definitely never happened to me.
I'm listening to Bob Dylan right now. I'm not a fan of Dylan. I'm a fan of many of the artists he influenced, and I'm a fan of the remakes of his songs by some of those artists. Jimi Hendrix's "All Along The Watchtower" is the first one to come to mind. I'm a huge fan of his former backing band, The Band. But Dylan, no. So I'm listening and trying to figure out what make him so hugely popular and influential. So far, I'm drawing a blank.
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