Thursday, February 7, 2013

Karate, Better Off Dead

Samuel started Karate last week, American Kenpo. It's taught at Curtis Lake Church and it is not the most disciplined, organized class, but it is good for a beginner and Sam really likes it. Plus, it's only $10 a month which is a great price. As long as he uses his powers for good instead of evil, I'm all for it.

I've been working all week on a query letter for The Auctioneer. Why does it take longer to write a one page letter than an entire novel? And really, it's the one or two paragraphs describing the manuscript that make it so difficult. I almost have it the way I want it and I will begin sending a few out to agents next week. I'm sure they can't wait.

I saw "Silence Of The Lambs" last night at Smitty's Cinema. I love Wayback Wednesdays. However, I don't think I would go see that particular movie again. There are enough horrible, twisted people in the world, I don't need to see it onscreen.  It was a very good movie but I'd rather watch a good comedy. Unfortunately, they don't really make good comedies anymore. I guess that's what Wayback Wednesday is for. Speeking of comedy, I went to the library today and took out the movie "Better Off Dead". That is a movie I used to love, it was my favorite comedy for years. I'm wondering if I will still like it or just think it is ridiculous. I'm sure I'll enjoy it, if only in a nostalgic way. But I think I'll probably crack up like I always did. I pretty certain I haven't matured too much to enjoy it.

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