Saturday, February 23, 2013

Stephen King, Twilight, The Band on Vinyl

This morning, I wrote for about an hour. The working title of the new novel is "Rock Star" and it's about...well, a rock star. A former rock star. I've got about 12,000 words written so far. Where it will go from here is anyone's guess. This afternoon I sent query letters for "The Auctioneer" to a few literary agents. I absolutely hate doing that, but somebody has to.

I'm reading Stephen King's "From A Buick Eight". Definitely not his best work, I thought it would be like "Christine", which would not have been great because he'd be repeating himself, but instead the car seems to be not really a car. So either way, I wouldn't be happy. And I'm less than halfway through so I really don't know what's going to happen.

I've been thinking about the "Twilight" books. I may have to read them again for inspiration, because the first time I read them I said to myself, "I can do better than this crap." The story lines are actually not bad, I like the werewolves and vampires fighting.  Nothing like a good werewolf vs. vampire brawl, I always say. The romance is junior high and immature, which I guess makes sense when your books are directed at young teenage girls. But after reading the series about three years ago, I decided to start submitting my short stories to literary magazines. I got my first acceptance letter within three months, and two more in the month after that. So thank you, Stephenie Meyer, for inspiring me with your poor writing and blockbuster sales.

I'm listening to "The Best of The Band" on vinyl. I like when songs sound different on vinyl than they do on cd or mp3. It's because the digital songs are so compressed, they don't have the highs and lows of vinyl. Or maybe they are actually different versions of the songs and I have no idea what I'm talking about. Either way, I like it.

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